Changing Christmas


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We're in the middle of changing the décor of the house to herald the season! My house is a mess!

Seriously, blink and it's Christmas.

Over Thanksgiving, we were sitting around looking through old photo albums (yes, an antiquated system), and laughing at my 80's hair and makeup, and my husband, Cam's cool shirts and shades. Aaron and David were small and sweet. Now they live in Boston and China. So much has changed.

When I say, 'change,' do you shudder? 80% of people do. Change is not something most people embrace. Now add the sentimentality and reality of Christmas and the idea of change can be downright frightful.

At the start of this Advent time, this is for you, dear friend.

Maybe someone has:

  • left the family

  • passed away

  • gotten married

  • moved away

  • gotten sick

  • given birth to a new baby

Maybe someone's just said they'd like to have Christmas in their own home this year. Maybe you've lost your job, your heart, or your nerve. So many changes that the idea of Christmas makes you want to fight, take flight or freeze.

Change is inevitable.

Ah, but God!

They will perish, but you remain; They will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; Like a garment they will be changed. But you remain the same, And your years will never end.

— Hebrews 1:11,12

Hold on to God. Take hold of Him like never before. Find Him unchanging in character, in essence. He is who He's always been and forever will be!





I'm real because God is so real



Your Calling For Today

What changes are you experiencing that are tough for you? Name them. Then, if you're able, name your fear. Now go to God with it.