Star. Light.


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Did you know that in the first century, ANY light in the sky was called a star?

A wonderful friend and astronomer (not astrologer, they’re different), whom I respect for his work in studying the skies, and being a Christian who deeply loves God, had us doing some stargazing at his planetarium last week. (Thanks, Dr. Bradstreet.)

What a great way to be amazed by, and not just reminded of, the Christmas account. I love to be opened up to new things regarding the fascinating and completely reliable scriptures!

But back to the star - it’s true. They called the moon, the sun, meteors, comets and planets all stars.

For some, this is problematic. For me, (and hopefully you), not at all! It makes me wonder: how much more don’t I understand of the lengths God has gone to reveal Himself to us? There are layers of meaning I can easily gloss over.

Was it an actual star that led the kings from the east to the Christ child? Maybe. Maybe not. Certainly God could have miraculously created a very large, genuine star to lead them. That’s not too much for Him.

Here’s what matters most to me:

A light led them. It led these attentive, intelligent, faithful men of God to travel for months, probably from Persia into Bethlehem (approximately 1400 miles) on camel, (not Uber or high-speed trains), with their very best gifts of gold, myrrh, frankincense and themselves.

A light caught their attention. They followed it. It led them to worship Jesus, the newborn King

— Matthew 2:2 and 7-11

Jesus, the true STAR says to you today, dear friend:

I am the light of the world. Follow me.

The true light that gives light to everyone (came) into the world.

— John 1:9





I'm real because God is so real



Your Calling For Today

Have you thought lately about what it means to daily follow Jesus, the light of the world? Tell Him you’re “seeing the light” more and more. Following Jesus is a daily, moment-by-moment choice. But make no mistake, like the “star” in the sky on that first Christmas, it’s ultimately God who is out in front leading you to Himself.