Color Blind


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During Black History month, I want to share a thought about colorblindness.

Decades ago there was a surge of “colorblindness” that emerged to deal with racism. What a lousy idea that was! Who wants to be colorblind?

This is a behavioral approach to a deep-seated issue. Moral management. Like putting a bandage on a gaping wound or trying to dust off a stronghold.

I get the intention: Let’s not judge, oppress, continue in our unconscious biases, or engage in racial profiling. If color’s causing these issues, let’s try and erase color. So the fix is: “I don’t see black or white.” (Or “I don’t see male or female” is another one on a separate, but related issue.)

No! We want to see the differences! Difference is exactly what God designed, ordained, and loves!

So how do we address this long, painful history of racism? I mean, you gotta start somewhere, right?

Right. So let’s begin to catch a vision for God in the differences. When you see an African or Caribbean American person, for instance, you begin to get a fuller picture of God and what thrills His heart. And, at the very least, value it.

Catch this:

I looked again. I saw a huge crowd, too huge to count. Everyone was there—all nations and tribes, all races and languages. And they were standing, dressed in white robes and waving palm branches, standing before the Throne and the Lamb…

— (Revelation 7:9,10)


If this doesn’t thrill you, at least appreciate that this is God’s culmination of His magnificent, colorful Kingdom!





I'm real because God is so real



Your Calling For Today

Notice your reactions to people of color. In honor of Black History month, specifically notice your thoughts, reactions (or absence of them) toward African/Caribbean American brothers and sisters.

The first step is awareness. The next step is to tell God: “I notice this in my life. I’m pretty sure it’s not ok with you. Help me see the beauty in your diverse Kingdom, oh, God!”