Be Who You Are


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I love my church! Our congregation has some of the best people I’ve met anywhere. It’s a teaching-type church that has an emphasis on the Scriptures and the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. They love beautifully.

AND we don’t hold the same theology about women. (Yes, based on the very same biblical texts.)

“Nancy Hicks, what are YOU doing in a church like that?” several people have asked.

Please hear me: The men and women of this congregation care deeply about honoring God by remaining true to Scripture, and yet, disagree on this non-essential matter. (Essential matters would include, who is Jesus and what did he accomplish? And Are the Scriptures reliable, hold authority and inspired by God?)

My Story:

A few years ago this topic surfaced for a larger discussion. As a leader, I was asked to sift through documents and have many meetings to try and come to some point where, while we may not ever change from being a complementarian church (women may not hold certain positions in the church) to an egalitarian church (women may hold any position in the church), we could at least have a better understanding of where we mis-stepped on the issue. (“No pastoring” morphs over time into “no” to lots of things. Yikes!)

After I said all I wanted to say, I remember stepping out of a meeting and hearing the Lord so clearly:

“Nancy, don’t worry about this. I’m the one who moved you out of leadership in worship. I’m the one who moved you into Women’s Ministry. You really think anyone is going to thwart my plan for your life?”

I stood there eyes wide, listening and marveling again at our great God. Then (and this is my biggest point for you, dear one):

"You step into who I’ve called and created you to be right in front of them. Don’t be a brat. Don’t be divisive or smug or difficult. Just step into who you are. Do it now.”

And I did.

And so must you.





I'm real because God is so real



Your Calling For Today

Has this ever been an issue for you?

These are the things that can create such division. Or you can use it to blame others for why you’re not on fire for God and actively involved in His work.

Ask Him about this or anything else that you may be using to hold you back.