

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

— 1 Peter 5:6-7

I remember watching a movie several years ago where the nastiest trick was played on a girl turning sixteen.

A bunch of “popular” teenage girls said they’d come to her party. The single mom - with little resources but all the love and anticipation of celebrating her daughter’s sweet sixteen - had gone all out. She’d arranged the guest list and invites. She decorated their little, unimpressive house, made all the food, and like a giddy teen herself, pranced around nervously, awaiting party time!

7:00 came and went. 7:15 - still no partiers. 7:30. 8:00. No one showed.


No friends. No gifts. No “Happy Birthdays,” no “thanks for the great party.”

Nothing. Nothing but the realization that people can be so cruel, and life is full of disappointments.

Maybe you relate.

  • Maybe you’ve made a plan this summer that didn’t quite pan out.

  • Maybe you hoped to take time with family, but couldn’t get the schedules pulled together. 

  • Maybe an unexpected expense crashed in.   

  • Maybe it rained

  • Maybe the hotel you booked didn’t look at all like the website.

  • Maybe something broke, like an arm or a relationship.

It wasn’t as you’d expected.

And expectations can be demands.

So make the plan. Hold it lightly. Watch it happen - now or later, or not as you thought it was to be. Then when you’re disappointed, because of course you will be, communicate with grace and love.



I'm real because God is so real


Your Calling For Today

Tell God about your disappointments. If it’s a “someone,” go gently and prayerfully to the one who has disappointed you. Share your heart, but make no demands.