Worth It


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The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

— Matthew 25:40

I wiped the tears streaming down my cheeks. How could this be? How could I cry over this?

But on the drive to the theater to do matinee and evening shows each Saturday and Sunday, I’d cry.

Crazy! I was doing what I’d always wanted to do. Perform. Sing. Now here I was living it out in the professional theater world, and I was crying like the babies I’d left at home.

All the years I put into performing and preparing for a career in music, I never really factored in children. Sure, I wanted a family, but I didn’t think really hard about the particulars. But how can you really?

Then those little ones came along…I just found it too hard to do both as well as I’d like.  And I really didn’t want to miss out on them! So I stepped aside from aggressively pursuing performing. I traded in costumes for jeans and cute shoes.

Over the years, I remember telling my boys, when the topic my dreams and my career came up, “You were so worth it. It wasn’t easy, but I’d do it again.”

And I meant it.

To you mom of little ones, I have three thoughts:

  1. If God’s called you to motherhood, give it your all.

  2. While parenting those young ones, make sure you also do something that pours into who you are as a woman apart from being their mom. Trust me. Everyone involved needs it more than you know.

  3. God will take all that you do during this time - as a wife, a mother, a woman - and raise you to more of who He’s called you to be.

I’d trade in what I believed I was giving up to gain what I now have: the evolution of my calling, and two grown sons who are the delight of their dad’s and my life.

Totally worth it.

In Christ,


I'm real because God is so real


Your Calling For Today

Think about the one thing you do to honor the woman God’s created you to be while you raise your children. If you’re going to honor their worth, you need to experience your own..