Watching and Waiting: Doing Their Thing


“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night…” Luke 2:8

A couple of years ago, I served in Albania - speaking live, training female leaders, and working on-air for Christian radio/TV. While I was there, I heard the story of a family of shepherds (women) who all came to know of God’s love for them in Jesus, via radio. Media 7, the largest Christian media outlet in Albania and Kosovo, shared the great news of God’s love over the airwaves.

Can you picture shepherds today hearing the gospel (or good news) while they’re just doing their thing in a field? One shepherd believed it. She told her sister about God’s love and she believed, and then that sister left the radio on her bed one day. While she was out (probably running after a wayward sheep or something), their mother picked up the radio and heard the gospel. You got it. She also believed!

I met the whole line of shepherdesses. Seriously. 

Two thousand years ago, shepherds lived out in the field “keeping watch over their flock by night” Luke 2:8

These early wait-watchers weren’t sitting around twiddling their thumbs, dum, de, dum, dum….

No. They were living their lives, in their roles, and they were positioned for His arrival.

Doing their “shepherding” thing, they kept watch, cared for, protected the ones God had entrusted to them. And not just by bright, clear days, but by long, dark nights. 

I love you for doing your thing, dear friend. I encourage you to keep:

  • Running the business

  • Building the ministry

  • Cooking

  • Doing laundry

  • Preaching

  • Teaching

  • Wiping bums

  • Christmas shopping

Do your thing!  God loves to surprise us at the most normal times.


I’m real because God is so real. 


Do your thing. Wrap your gifts, bake, work, train those children… and pray. In it all, pray: God thank you for where you’ve placed me at this time. Now and always, please help me to watch for you.