Strong Hands


But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.”  ~Nehemiah 6:9b

What work is before you this year? Are you moving? Is your family expanding? Are you working on a new initiative at the church or in your business?

Nehemiah prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.” 

Every time I quote this Scripture, I want to add “O, God” to the end. “Strengthen my hands, O God!” That’s me: dramatic and earnest.  And at the start of the hardest work of my life to date (neck-in-neck with rearing kids and loving my husband).

Plus, maybe you’re like me and know God has called you to something you can’t deny. You can’t fritter away time. Sometimes you’d like to just go to lunch but God’s got you working on something bigger than you can handle. To go easy just feels…absurd. Like, your kids are in grave danger and you run an errand on the way to their aid. As if!

“Now strengthen my hands,” the great leader Nehemiah prayed as he led the people of God to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed by surrounding enemies. 

The enemies tried everything to weaken their hands as God’s people built. But Nehemiah looked up and depended on God:

You’ve got what it takes. I don’t. You make me capable. You make me diligent. You make me unwavering. You make me strong.

And God did. And He does still.


I’m real because God is so real.


Place your hands in His hands. Pray Nehemiah’s prayer for whatever God has set before you. “Now strengthen my hands.”

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