Bambi Legs


Any time Cam and I have a situation where one of us is learning to become the person the other’s been praying for and helping (okay, fighting) to become, we have this little phrase we use:

“I’m doing my Bambi-leg thing.”

You may not know who Bambi is. Bambi’s a Walt Disney baby deer character. When he’s born all the forest creatures come out to welcome this new prince.

Then we all watch the little guy with the long, lanky legs try to get up. He’s awkward. His legs wobble and vary in angles and positions. Whoa, he teeters and nearly falls.

Cam and I call our getting used to something that’s not comfortable or familiar to us “getting up on our Bambi legs.”

When either of us says this, immediately we’re both softened. We smile and there’s a deep understanding:

I’m trying here. I know it’s not yet pretty, but give me time, and lots of grace, please.

That’s what we’re all doing when it comes to, well, just about anything that’s new, foreign and unfamiliar. It’s not graceful and elegant. It’s awkward and messy. For both of us.

For those daring to get up on those Bambi legs, regardless of the issues - well done! Keep going. It takes grace to admit you’re the one with the Bambi legs.

For those who’ve waited patiently for the one to finally see, never mind to actually do something - be patient. Be an encourager. It takes grace to embrace the process.

Extra grace is required on both ends.

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16

~ Nancy

I’m real because God is so real.


If you don’t have a phrase or symbol to diffuse a potentially volatile or isolating situation in your marriage, or in particular relationships that are deeply meaningful to you, try ours. “Bambi legs.” Maybe Bambi’s outdated. But the concept isn’t.
