What Message Do You Have For Me, God?


“Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” ~Joshua 5:14b

This portion of scripture depicts a scene during a time of battle. Joshua led the people of God across the Jordan River and into the land promised to them. They were claiming it. And this was a time of bloody war.

Of course, it’s not easy to take something that’s yours if someone’s occupying it.

“Uh, excuse me, you’re in my seat. Look, see my ticket.” Fine when it’s assigned seating, but this was occupied land. And the Canaanites weren’t just standing on the land, they were living in it.

Joshua and the tribes of Israel went day by day, month by month, year by year over the course of many years battling to take what God had promised them.

Life can be like that, don’t you think?

A war to simply live in what’s already been given, but feels like you can’t quite own it. Like your life, for example.

It’s February. That’s a month where - depending on where you live and your disposition to cold weather - you may easily feel defeated. Down. Heavy. Like you’re in the middle of a cold war.

Ok, while you’re down there on your back, roll over. Put your face to the ground like the great warrior Joshua and inquire of the LORD.

Is there a message for me? This is hard. I’m struggling. What would you have me do? Where do I go from here? I submit myself to you. I submit my will. My temper. My attitude. I submit my deepest desires, my dreams, my all to you, O LORD.

Out of reverence for God, in a world that barely acknowledges Him, let alone is astonished and worships Him, ask God: what message do you have for me this day, dear God?

Help me hear and obey.


I’m real because God is so real.


If you’re in a place of gloom, do what I share above. Don’t just read about it. Do it. And if you know someone who desperately needs to hear from God, send them this devotional with my love.
