Songs My Mother Taught Me:  Be There

Songs My Mother Taught Me: Be There

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” - Deuteronomy 6:6,7.

I was a latchkey kid.

There was no choice. My Dad left my Mom and her three girls and took the income, houses and savings.  No child support. No nothing. So Mom had to work.  

I remember coming home during my elementary school years and eating my lunch while watching one episode of The Flintstones. When it ended, it was time to head back to school.  Thanks for keeping me company, Fred and Wilma.

But here’s the thing: I don’t lament that. (I have absolutely grieved the whole situation at times in my life.) But, I’m sensitive to single moms or moms who just can’t stay at home with their children for whatever the reasons. 

I’m a huge advocate of moms and dads being present and available to our children. If you’re going to have them, be there and love them well. They need us - badly! 

But being there doesn’t necessarily look like what you think it “should.” 

For example, though Mom worked full time, I always remember her praying with me before she left for work. I actually do remember her preparing and eating breakfast with us. (I know not cooking or sitting down to meals is like a badge of honor to some women today, but I’m grateful Mom actually did cook and sit. It was never fancy, but it was healthy and we were together over that meal.)  

For years we had family devotions around a book, “Little Visits With God” and the Bible. She embedded in her girls: God is with us. Continually modeling and holding out God’s presence before us.

Mom came home from work, got dinner on the table and was ours in the evenings. She’d chauffeur us around, or sit and watch game shows or Little House on the Prairie over popcorn. Mom sacrificed other things she may have preferred to do, to make sure her girls got her evenings and weekends. She was a single mom and I’m grateful she took that role very seriously.

You don’t need to hover over your kids’ every move. They don’t need to have you in their face at every turn, but be there.  

I’m real because God is so real. 

~ Nancy


We get our first impressions of who God is and what God is like from our parents. Oh, it’s not always good, for sure. But, it’s not all bad. How did God show Himself as Immanuel (God with us) through your mom?