So She Did


But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. - Jeremiah 17:7 

It takes a great man to be with a strong woman. It takes a great man to get behind and stand beside a strong woman. Today’s my darling, Cam’s birthday. Happy Birthday, babe! A BIG shout-out to you on your big day. You’ve been radically supportive of me in every way, and let’s face it, for a married woman, it really does make a difference. Thank you, honey.  xo 

That reality makes the following story even more special.

Once upon a time a young woman loved God. She loved God so much all she wanted to do was follow Him around.

So she did.

Next thing you know, He’s like: “Hey, sweetie, I know you love your life, but I also know, things are about to change BIG time. You ready for that?”

“Sure. I’m game!” said the woman.

She heard from God clearly three times in one year: “You’re going to spend the rest of your life preaching and telling everyone how much I love them.”

“Oh, I’d love that!” Her eyes lit up.

It seemed everything the girl had ever done—singing, teaching, television, leading in the church—had been building to the point of God’s tapping her on the shoulder and saying, “Come here, I’ve got some work for you to do.”

God called her to go. So she did.

God directed her to study in seminary. So she did.

But, here’s what she discovered:

Though she had loads of experience in doing the work, NO ONE knew who she was.

So EVERYONE told her:

You have to put yourself out there! Build a website. Build a social media community. Call up churches. Write a book.

Write a book?

Hmmm….write a book. 

So she did.

I’m pinching myself that you can now get Meant to Live: Living in Light of the Good News in e-version now.  Meant to Live and paperback hits the markets everywhere September 17th!

I’m a real woman doing her thing because God’s real and doing His thing.

~ Nancy