A Hallmark Moment

Nancy Hicks - Notes Meme -  10:2.png

A couple weeks ago, I flew to Los Angeles, California to be interviewed for my book on the Hallmark Channel. 

This was a big deal since my new book, Meant to Live, is an overtly Christian book. And Hallmark is not a Christian channel. I wanted to be careful not to step in it, to be who I was and carry the message I have, but to obviously consider my audience and those who were trusting me with them. They’d coached me in my pre-interview interview: “Steer clear of Bible references and too much talk of Jesus.” Hmmmm….

The day of the interview was totally cool. They picked me up in a limo and drove me through the back lot of Universal Studios. I rode through all the studios where our favorite TV shows and movies like Jurassic Park and Home Alone were filmed. The whole time, I thought: “Wow, God, you place us where you will.” We arrived at my trailer, which felt RIDICULOUS to me (celebrities do the trailer thing. I’m a Christian Speaker.), then off to make-up and onto the set. In a way, it felt like QVC days, but in another way, so not.

But all the while, moving through my mind was this:

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:12) High or low. Rich or poor. In or out. Up or down. Moment by moment, whatever God allows.

I also thought of what we’ve always told our sons, David and Aaron: “Your whole life long you need to know how to love, enjoy, be confident and humble with kings and janitors. Don’t ever forget it: kings and janitors and everyone in between, my sons.”

God will place you where He will. Your job is to do your job. To be about the business of the kingdom of God in the moment. At this very moment.

While someone’s standing on your toe.

While someone’s overlooking you.

While someone in need, needs a minute of your time.

While you’re in places of humility and places of honor.

 Big and little moments. Take every one of them.

 I’m real because God is so real.

~ Nancy

P.S. - You can watch the interview here on Facebook or Instagram. Enjoy!