Thanks-Giving Experiment: Week 1

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Get ready to feel more alive this month! 

This November we’re on a quest to experience more life. How? By doing something that’s highly underrated:

Saying “Thank you.”

The apostle Paul wrote,

“…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

After a flurry of emails, messaging, social media, texts, phone calls, Skype, zoom, oh, and actual face-to-face interactions of every color and kind, you can’t expect to get that sentimental feeling when you finally sit down to the turkey and cranberry sauce.

You have to prepare.

But, in truth, it’s not about preparing for the holiday season. It’s about realizing and preparing for living life. Every. Single. Day.

So, let’s do this really NEW thing together. Let’s spend the entire month ramping up our thanks-giving. Here are my three suggestions to get you started:

1. In prayer. If you’re not much of a pray-er, this is a really good place to start. Start by giving thanks. “Thank you God for….” and pretend you’re talking to a friend and just tell Him. For those of you who are comfortable with praying, this will be harder for you if you tend to think of prayer as “requests.” (Don’t get me started.) Sit with God and say “thank you” in place of other words. Of course, I know that prayer consists of praise, confession, intercession and thanksgiving, but I’m simply asking us to work on one of the elements. Let it come to the forefront this month and see what happens.

2. Take it on the road. You may do this really well and that’s terrific. But, maybe you don’t. Maybe you left your “thank you’s” in grade school. Say “thank you” far more liberally to your spouse. Your siblings. Your staff. Your boss or barista, or bus driver.  

3. Combine the two. As you travel throughout your day, pray “thank you” for the seemingly innocuous and outrageously impactful interactions you have with the array of characters that cross your path each day. Aren’t people something?

So let’s try this experiment together. Let’s see if actually putting into practice the instruction to give thanks in all circumstances actually makes a difference in our lives.

Spoiler alert: it will.

I’m real because God is so real.

~ Nancy


Giving thanks is God calling us to catch a glimpse of His goodness. It’s really not complicated. Just do it.