Did You Know? 4 Exciting Facts About the Bible

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“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” - Psalm 119:105

Happy New Year!

And like that, it’s 2020!

Welcome to the new year and if you’re new in this community, I warmly welcome you.

It’s possible that one thing you’d like to start doing or improve this next year is reading the Bible. But it can feel a bit daunting.

If you grew up in the church and still struggle to regularly read the Scriptures, you may have a lingering sense of guilt or a nagging thought of, “I should do this more often. Ugh.” At the same time, there can be a boat-load of issues around reading the Bible.

To set your new year off right, I’m taking the month of January to break down some basics that will help you in your journey to knowing God more and His call to life for you through reading Scripture.

Before we get into what the Bible is, why we should care and how to engage it in a way that’s not daunting, but life-giving, did you know:

1. The Guinness World Book of Records’ top-selling book of all time is The Bible. Over 5 billion copies have been sold in over 349 languages.

2. The Bible has been consistently in the #1 position on The New York Times’ Best Sellers List since its inception of the esteemed list in 1931 (although it’s an “honorary” number one spot these days to give other books a chance at first place). Why is it so popular?

3. Fifty percent to 61 percent of people (varying questions asked) believe it definitely influences their relationship with God in a positive way. (https://www.barna.com/research/state-of-the-bible-2019/)

4. Six in 10 U.S. adults (59%) believe the message of the Bible has transformed their lives, 26% say it has strongly transformed their lives in a positive way. (https://www.barna.com/research/state-of-the-bible-2019/)

From a purely literary standpoint, the Bible is worth your time. It’s a celebrated piece of literature. But, when you look at the spiritual reasons, when engaged properly, the Scriptures can be life-changing.

This month, through my videos on Facebook and Instagram and in these weekly devotions, we’ll break things down and make them as simple as possible, so you can get the most of your experience with the Bible this next year.

And certainly, shoot me messages about anything you’d like addressed. I’m happy to serve!

Much blessings over your life,

~ Nancy


What’s one struggle you have in reading the Scriptures? God is very interested in this conversation. And so am I.