Be at Rest

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I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” - Psalm 55:6

 When I started this ministry, I knew I wanted to be a better writer. One way I’ve honed my skill is through online courses with Master Class. I LOVE it! In this program, professor and acclaimed writer (and fellow Canadian!) Malcolm Gladwell shares a lesson about flying and free-falling.

He wanted to capture the true feelings of a person in free fall. If the plane’s going down, I can imagine what they must feel, but how does it actually feel? So, Gladwell hired a pilot and re-enacted a free fall. Here’s what was fascinating to me:

Gladwell had no idea he was falling. He didn’t feel a thing.

What he did feel was the plane’s fast directional change and upward swoop when the pilot quickly guided the plane upward – “Whoa, I felt that!”

“So, we were free-falling that whole time?” Gladwell asked.

“Yes.” The pilot stated.

“How close were we to hitting the ground?” Gladwell was incredulous.

And the answer was: extremely close. Very, very close. And Gladwell had no idea. And that’s normal.

I think those of us on the ground are the same.

Sometimes we’re in a free fall. We’re going 100 miles per hour, running on caffeine and a prayer.

Three thoughts:

Then the Pilot, who sees we’re in free fall and allows it for a time to see if we course-correct by direction and wisdom He’s provided, finally halts us. “We’re doing something about this right. Now,” He says.

1. I wonder how that’s played out in my son David’s life? I’m not saying he was in a free fall, but I know God allows things for very, very good reasons. Why might this not be one? A quick update: My David is scheduled to have a CAT-scan next Tuesday, April 28—his first since they found the second tumor. We’ll keep you posted, dear friends.

2. I wonder how this free fall analogy is playing out in North America in particular? How many of us were utterly exhausted when the brakes were applied to our lives by COVID-19?

3. For those of you who’ve been pressed to the limit during this time – there’s been no rest for the weary on the front lines – ask God: How on earth am I to pull away from this right now? How do you want to protect me from hitting the ground? God will show you new ways to grow in this. To express yourself. To draw healthy boundaries. To ask for what you need from loved ones around you.

I write this as one who hasn’t figured out her own rest very well at times. I’m in the process of learning this lesson.

So, as always, I humbly submit my thoughts to you.

God’s mercy and rest on us all,
~ Nancy 


What can you do right now to draw some boundaries, to engage the kids and spouse more in work around the house? Today, begin to do that. Don’t put it off.