Mother Loss

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The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

It’s possible with all the celebration of Mother’s Day—the French toast in bed, sparkling clean bathrooms, gifts, and release of the doves—that some moms (maybe you) have been feeling particularly tender. It hurts. Right. There.

Mother’s Day reminds you of loss. You cringe as Mother’s Day comes, then leaves an aftertaste, because you’ve suffered the death of a mom or the death of a child. I don’t want this time to go by without joining you in your sadness, without being closer to you in your brokenheartedness.

God remembers you. And not in an “Oh, for a second, I forgot, but now…” kind of way but in a constantly-near sort of remembrance.

Years ago, my dear girlfriend’s son died. The first time I saw her, I marveled, She’s walking. She’s actually on her feet and… walking. How can she get up, get dressed, and just… walk?

In more recent years, I sat in the home of a young, beautiful mom who delivered a full-term baby who never took a breath outside her body. We sat and mourned in the nursery she had beautifully prepared for him.

Or maybe you mourn the loss of your mom. You suffer regrets: Why didn’t I drop everything and go? Or, Why did I ever leave?

Maybe you strain to recapture the last time you were physically present with her.

I didn’t know that would be the last time. (I didn’t know!) What words did we exchange? Did I hug her long enough? Did I affirm her? Did she know I knew I’d never be the man or woman I am today without her?

The LORD is close.

Imagine Him holding you just as you’ve held or carried your child. Imagine Him there in that final time—true, maybe you didn’t know it would be the last, or you may have handled it differently, but He knew—giving you freedom to say or do what was just right. Not overthought or overdone.

And He’s near now. He’s very, very near.

As you head into this week, remember: 

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

I’m real because God is so real.

~ Nancy