Are You a Canal or Reservoir?


You know how you read a book or an article and one line or concept just sticks, like for a long time if not a lifetime? I’ve got loads of those from all over the place. I’m sure you do too. Author and spiritual leader Richard Foster is one man who’s given me quite a few that have stuck.

While in discussion with some close friends the other day, I pulled out one such Foster idea. And it’s well over time for me to re-apply. 

He wrote about the difference between us being canals or reservoirs.

Do you know if you’re a canal or a reservoir?

See a canal connects two bodies of water. It allows water to flow between the two bodies. It’s a through way. The canal takes in the water and carries boats and water through to the other connected, larger body of water. Essentially taking in, carrying, and pushing out. It keeps moving.

A reservoir takes in, takes in, and takes in some more until it builds up to becoming lake-size. It’s full. Then people can come and draw from its nice full reserve.

Spiritually speaking (and now that I think about it, maybe I do this in every way), I confess: I function more like a canal. I do not give myself permission to take and take and take, and then give. Something’s loose inside me. Something’s a bit off. And I feel it.

It’s not that I’ve neglected the spiritual practices to enjoy my relationship with God. Yes, I read the Scriptures, pray, worship and fast but, still, I am far too much a canal. Before July, with all that’s been going on in my life over the last year, eventually my output felt like it was drawing from blood and bone rather than a nice reserve of Living Water. 

So, I’ve been practicing some reservoir behavior this last month. It’s been a time of taking in and letting God dig, build out, and fill, fill, fill this reservoir.

What about you? Do you tend toward canal or reservoir?

Richard Foster, thank you for caring for our souls all these years.

I’m real because God is so real.