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Last week, I asked the question: what happened after the resurrection? What happened next?

One of my favorite post-resurrection accounts is Jesus sneaking up on two of His weary, downcast disciples walking a seven-mile journey from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus. 

Jesus joined them on the road, but “they were kept from recognizing Him” (Luke 24:16).

The discussion on the road that day was all about what had taken place in Jerusalem concerning Him.

Jesus was incognito. What is it about God that He’s so often incognito? Like Undercover Boss, he’s just one of the guys. But not. 

These two disciples explained to their road “companion” how all their hopes had been dashed with all that had taken place over the last three days concerning Jesus. “But we had hoped that He was the one to redeem Israel…” 

“And Jesus told them: ‘But you already knew what was going to happen. You were told.’ And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself” Luke 24:27. 

And they loved what He said. Their hearts were on fire! “Stay with us,” they asked.

Finally, when they sat down to a meal, Jesus took the bread and broke it, and their eyes opened: It’s Jesus!

And I wonder as we live in the post-resurrection reality: how many times, how many moments have we walked along our roads and felt utterly alone, confused, fatigued, and despondent by what we see with our veiled eyes, when the resurrected Christ is right in front of our faces? Right at our table? Right on the road? 

My friend, God does the incognito thing a lot. Stay open and pay attention.

I’m real because God is so real.

~ Nancy