Unpacking "Truths"
Let’s play a game. I’m going to write some truths from Scripture or lyrics from a song, and you write down or say the first thoughts that come to mind. Here we go:
“God is good.”
“What more can He say than to you He has said?” (Hymn lyric: How Firm a Foundation)
“The truth will set you free.”
“God is faithful.”
“[God is] way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper…” (Worship Chorus lyric: Way Maker)
“Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus” (Hymn lyric: Trust and Obey)
Maybe you smiled remembering a time when “God is faithful” proved absolutely true; or, when you saw a couple of these, you snuffed, “Hmph. That’s not been my experience.”.
I know some of us have believed these and other statements in particular ways, and then were sorely disappointed.
Many of you may feel a bit duped, like God or the Church has done a bit of a bait-and-switch. I feel I owe it to you to have conversations around the ways in which we’ve misunderstood some things. Disillusionment comes easily if these conversations aren’t had. Maybe you’re having these conversations in your friend groups or your homes. Are you?
Over the month of October, I’m going to slightly unpack a few of these “truths.” Will I solve all the issues? No. But I’ll do what Jesus did, and raise more questions for you to contemplate, so apparently, Jesus thinks that’s a good thing.
I’m curious: What other verses or lyrics would you add to my list? Let’s go after them together.
I’m real because God is so real. ~ Nancy