Why Communication Matters
Welcome to our very first episode of So What? Why It Matters with Nancy Hicks! Nancy’s here to give the lowdown on the first topic we’re tackling in this insightful-but-practical show: better communication. We’re communicating all the time, aren’t we? From texts and emails, to hugs and eye rolls and smirks, just about everything we do says how we’re thinking and what we hold dear. But here’s the deal: we communicate because we were born to connect with other people. And the link that joins people together? It’s love. Nancy breaks down why communicating with love really matters, and shares her #1 secret to communicating more effectively with your kids, partner, friends, and everyone in between—and you can start doing it today.
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Show Summary
And we're off to the races! Welcome to our very first So What? Why It Matters podcast. I'm Nancy Hicks and I'm going to be your host each week. Thanks so much for dropping by.
Now, I love that this is the topic—better communication—that landed at the top of the heap of fabulous topics for our series that you can look forward to, because communication touches every aspect of who we are as humans. We are always communicating. We are always sending out messages about who we are, and what we need, and who and what we love and why. In one form or another, we're speaking loud and clear in our bodies, in our faces, in our tone, in our writing, in our stillness or stiffness or stuttering and stammering attempts to say something just. so. accurately.
We're communicating a whole world of who we are—and it matters. And here's why: because communication is all about those moments where we convey an idea and you realize, Hey, you're like me! Or, Oh my golly, I get it now. And there's this this link, this joining together. And sometimes that joining together can take no time at all for some people. They just go around connecting with the whole world, they're connecting is like one of their gifts. But for others, oh, it can take a lot a lot of time.
We've all had situations where we're just not connecting, we're not hitting it, we're not getting it, especially when we literally speak at other language—not just our mother-tongue language, our national language, but body language, love language, beliefs, philosophies. In theory, we love the idea of different forms of communication and styles and languages. But in practice, all it can be very difficult.
But as we grow in communication, we zero in on a higher level—the why. Why do you want to communicate? Well, I'll tell you why: love. That's what life's all about, right? That's what we're here for. We are all here on this earth to give and receive love. And as a person of faith, I believe that God put us here to grow in love, to love and care for each other.
We were born and bred for connection. We communicate to connect. And how we do that speaks volumes about how we connect with and love God.
So if you zoom out, you get this bigger, broader picture, right? We always want to remember the why when it comes to communication: we're making a connection based on love. And we all need little reminders to zoom out every once in a while to remember the big picture. So let me say it again: communication matters because it's the expression of and foundation for how we love people well. That—the why, the So What? The loving people, the connecting—that is what will move you through the perils and styles and language and expressions of communication when the going gets tough.
You may be thinking, Okay, Nancy, how can we improve our communication with other people and make sure that we're being heard, but even more importantly, that we're hearing others, that we're hearing God”
And the one thing I can tell you that makes all the difference in the world is . . . something you’ll have to tune in to find out!
So What? Moments
We are all here on this earth to give and receive love. This week, ask yourself the question, If I'm speaking or withholding my tongue, am I hurting or helping a situation? Am I seeking to better understand my audience, my spouse, my brother, my pastor, my teacher, my boss, my child? Or am I simply caring about what I think? What I have to say?
Thought-Provoking Quotes
“We were born and bred for connection. We communicate to connect.” – Nancy Hicks
“Communication matters because it's the expression of and foundation for how we love people well.” – Nancy Hicks
“In theory, we love the idea of different forms of communication and styles and languages. But in practice, all it can be very difficult.” – Nancy Hicks
“I've been in communication my whole life—and I'm still working on it.” – Nancy Hicks
“Understanding your audience matters because it's up to us to craft and express our messages in ways that the other person can receive them and engage or connect with them.” – Nancy Hicks
“That's exactly what people are: they are stories—living, breathing, moving stories who are carrying a million more stories inside of them, just waiting to be revealed, from kings and presidents and politicians all the way to the other end of the continuum to people who've lost it all.” – Nancy Hicks
“The most oppositional people to the ministry of Jesus were the religious people who were so caught up in the law and policy and correct theology, they lost sight of the heart and fulfillment of all those things: love.” – Nancy Hicks
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard