Give Thanks for Her?


Here in the U.S. Thanksgiving is tomorrow! (Which is weird ‘cause my second-born arrived on Thanksgiving Day in October. In Canada.)

As you hop in the car or on a plane or over to the grocery store one last time, think about this:

Think about the ones that will be sitting around the table. Aren’t you so grateful for them? Sweet nieces and nephews, fun big-brothers, and grandma that makes the best pumpkin pies!

Now, think specifically about the one you’re not all that excited about. The one you find difficult. Maybe it’s an obnoxious cousin, a picky mother, or a child that’s so disruptive.

I thank God He didn’t give us lofty ideas about how to “just feel good. Just be nice. Just get along.” He gave us practical steps in handling these situations:

Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:17,18

I want to challenge you:

Today, and all through tomorrow as the family gathers:

Pray for that difficult person. Give thanks for every good thing about them. Don’t quit praying about them, even as they “go off” or do their thing. 

Pray. Giving thanks.

Blessings to you, and each one around your table this Thanksgiving season.

Much love,


I’m real because God is so real.


Identify that person. Write down their name if it helps. Sometimes the people that struggle with these kinds of exercises are the ones that know what to do (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know), but just will not do it. Don’t be that one. Pray. Give thanks.