Are You Full?

I’m full! We’ve all just come off a lot of family, friends and food. Hopefully you’re full, too.

All around, I, like you, see a lot that causes my heart to sing, “Thank you! Thank you, Lord.”  Thank you for:

  • The father-in-law that moved his whole family to a whole new level of kindness and generosity 

  • Nana, that still shows us how to play board games and laugh herself silly.

  • The newest member of the family that arrived just in time for the season.

I just feel full.

At our place, you never know who’ll be around the Thanksgiving table. I’m from Canada so our family - all still back home - doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving this time of year. On any given year we have a wonderful mixture of visiting family, my boys and Rachel, close friends and others.  What others, you ask? Depends. Honestly, we just pray and see who God brings. It’s never the same and it’s always good. People fill me up.

Maybe the only “full” you feel is in your stomach. You may be coming off a time of pain. Maybe you were pinched with reality - ouch! - and it hurt.  Sickness, job loss, weight issues, church issues, relational trauma. You’re not “full,” you’re fed up!

But, now that the Thanksgiving turkey’s been turned into soup, I want to remind you: still…there’s so much to be thankful for.

I love Nehemiah. What a leader. I like a guy with guts who knows how to take charge if he’s in charge (getting chills).

Here’s what he says to the people of God who start to grieve and mourn when it wasn’t time for that:

“Do not mourn or weep... Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our LORD. Do not grieve…”

Nehemiah 9:10

There is a time for grieving of course. But surely, as we move into this season of deeper, fuller hope, you can heed the great leader’s advice:

Do not grieve. Celebrate! 

If you missed it last week…December dawns. Get full, my friend.

Giving thanks,


I’m real because God is so real.


Sit quietly with God and allow Him to fill you by praying this way: God, fill me with you. Fill me with as much of you as I can take. Turn my mourning into music making, I pray. Amen.