Watching and Waiting


Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays) dear friend!

Advent is the four weeks that lead up to Christmas. It’s for those who are watching and waiting for Jesus, the Christ, or Messiah to arrive. Of course, today, we remember that first arrival. Today, we call that the first “Christmas.” As we prepare for Christmas 2018, we join with the early Jewish community in the watching and waiting. 

When I think about watching and waiting, I get antsy. My MO isn’t to watch and wait. It’s to move! Truth is, while driving, if I see a red light or a bit of traffic up ahead, I’ll turn and zig-zag more slowly through back routes, just so I can keep moving. Do you relate? Stand-stills can be hard. 

Zechariah the priest knew what it was like to watch and wait. He and his elderly wife, Sarah, couldn’t have children for decades. In an honor-and-shame society, having children meant great blessing and honor. Having none was excruciating. They must have begged God for years to have a baby.

While performing his priestly duty, Zechariah was visited by an angel who announced to him, “your prayer has been heard…” Luke 1:13

While he was having this life-altering encounter with an angel, just outside “the people were waiting for Zechariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple…” 

Everyone was watching and waiting.

If you’re watching and waiting for God to show up in some way, my love, you’re in good company. Trust me, God always shows up.


I’m real because God is so real.


Sit quietly and ask yourself: What am I really waiting for? Sometimes in the quiet, you’ll hear the deepest longing - the true desire - that often gets missed.