How Unexpected

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Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!

Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!

See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

— Zechariah 9:9

I love the fact that this prophecy, spoken approximately 500 years before Jesus walked planet Earth, was directed to a people who: 

  • Were in big trouble (they were in exile after the decimation of the Temple)

  • Had demanded they be like the other nations and have a king. (Boy, was that trouble throughout their history.)

  • Had their expectations turned upside down, ultimately with a very different kind of King. 

At the time this prophecy was lived out—a time we now call Palm Sunday—you’d think they’d be putting two and two together:

“Oh, look at this! A king. A humble, lowly king. Yep, he’s riding on a donkey. This could be the guy!” (Oh, they knew their prophecies.)

And I wonder: How often do I have set in my mind just how God’s going to be? How often does God lay things right out before me, but I just will not let go of what I assume and demand? Listen, I have my expectations of this great king.

But this Palm Sunday, 

  • I’m rejoicing greatly that this king is rarely what I expect. 

  • I’m rejoicing greatly because that humble king cared for the likes of me.

  • I’m rejoicing greatly because I flat out adore Him! 

King of Kings. King of the universe, WOW! Should be on a royal steed!


King of my heart. 

That’s donkey talk. How unexpected.

I’m real because God is so real.

~ Nancy


In what ways have you demanded or had expectations of God lately? Ask God to help you keep an open mind, knowing this King knows no box and no bound.