I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Copy of Copy of Nancy Hicks - Notes Memes - January 2019 (1).png

In 2013, Cam and our two sons, David and Aaron, headed into Philly just days after Christmas to hear Handel’s Messiah. Christmas and Easter are the times for that fabulous musical work. 

I’d sung the soprano repertoire for years, including of course: 

“I Know that My Redeemer Liveth.”  

I can honestly tell you that solo in 2013 meant more to me than any other time in my life.

My mom had just died—two weeks before Christmas.

Just before the four of us entered the Kimmel Center in Center City Philadelphia, a woman stopped me and asked for money. I looked at her and felt deep compassion. We chatted for a bit, and I have no idea what I said, but what I do remember was that whatever she said to me just before my family and I left the sidewalk and mounted the steps into the concert hall, had the two of us - this woman and I - crying in each others’ arms. 

“I know,” I remember saying, “Life can be so sad. So hard. So disheartening. I’m just so sorry.” We hugged and cried for maybe a minute. I gave her the money, then joined my family who stood back to give me some space with her.

An hour later and well into this most beloved oratorio, the soprano sang like an angel:

I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand upon the earth.

And though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God…  
— Job 19:20

Sitting there, wrapped in the fresh warmth of two hearts honestly grieving the sometimes harsh realities of this life, mixed with the beauty of the music and God’s holy, reliable, timely Word, I never believed that truth more.

I know Jesus Christ lives. And because He lives, we, too, will live! I mean really, really live. 

Thank you Jesus!

I’m real because God is so real.

~ Nancy


Easter’s message is that this great God is alive! He’s not dead. And dear friend, because He lives—in all things and then when we breathe our last—we, too, will live! Do you believe this? If not, why not?