Happy Thanksgiving From Our House to Yours!

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We're giving thanks! God is always, always good.

Life isn’t always perky. Life isn’t easy, that’s for sure. I’ve asked you to come along with me over the last month to kick up your heart of gratitude and express yourself to God and others with words of thanks. And you did it! We did it together.

And despite the realities of life, or maybe because of them, I pray you’re going into this Thanksgiving with a little extra bounce in your step, with a little more life on your lips.  

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,” isn’t a pie-in-the-sky platitude. It’s a shift in perspective. A reality check. God has always given and given and given. Always.

Thank you for engaging with me in this thanks-giving blitz. Thank you for your support of every kind—prayer, discussion, encouragement, volunteer, financial, and beyond.

Thank you also for upholding our David (pictured in the middle of our family photo below) in prayer over the last few months while he’s been on chemotherapy for colon cancer. He’s had 10 sessions of 12 total. We’re all carrying him through his first semester of law school, and for the life of me, I don’t understand how that works.

But we give thanks for it all.

We give thanks for God’s presence and kindness as we journey with Him and with each other.

What a privilege to know God, our son, our other precious family, and you in this unique way.

Happy Thanksgiving!

~ Nancy
