I’m Power Hungry

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"The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” - Luke 1:35

First, I must say thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity yesterday on Giving Tuesday! We’re growing all the time and days like these are a great kickoff to the giving season! And if you didn’t give yesterday, there’s still time!

Now, let’s talk power. 

For years before singing any solo or speaking I’ve prayed the same way: “God, if your power doesn’t rest on me, I’m doomed. They may enjoy my singing or speaking, but it won’t actually do anything of lasting value unless you plug me in!” I actually imagined the difference between an acoustic guitar, lovely sound to be sure, and an amplified one. Electric! Powerful.

You want power. We all do. The questions are what kind? For what? And what’s your Source?

  • What sustains you when you’re exhausted by the same ridiculous issues that keep resurfacing in your extended family?

  • What takes your passions and plans to new heights?

  • What takes a conversation with your desperate teenagers or depressed college kids to deeper levels of impact?

  • What takes a marriage in the ditch to forgiveness and radical love?

Power. God’s power.

I want to be like Mary. I pray that the power of the Most High will overshadow me. And you. Two thousand years after Mary’s power covering that conceived the Messiah in her womb, we now have that same power Source – The Holy Spirit – in us. And on us.[1]

I wrote more about this a few weeks ago and The Christian Post published that article. Read it here.

And as we kick off the Christmas/Holiday season, I pray genuine power on your life this day and as the season unfolds.

Much love to you,

~ Nancy


Ask God to give you more of His Holy Spirit. More power on your family, your friends and your work this season.

[1] For clarity, let me briefly explain “in” and “on” of the Holy Spirit.

In us: For anyone who asks Jesus to remove the barrier between them and God (I know you hate the name of the barrier, but it is still called ‘sin’), and lead their life. Immediately the Holy Spirit comes into you. Done. Amazing!

On us: A special power falls on people at particular times to do particular things. The Spirit of God rests on you at these times. Again, amazing!