The Bible: Where Do I Begin Reading?

We’re spending January nailing down some Bible basics to help take your engagement with life-changing Scripture to a whole new level.

So far we’ve given you some great reasons to read the Bible and provided guidance about what version to read.

Now, you may be wondering, “Where do I begin reading?”

So many people have told me that’s a real struggle.

“Do I start at the beginning of Genesis and read all the way through, or what?” Short answer: probably not.

First of all, let me tell you what writings you hold in your hands, because this may help you decide.

The Bible is comprised of 66 writings, or books. It’s divided into two main sections, The Old Testament (because it’s been around longer) and the New Testament, and contains various genres of writings like prophecy, letters, narrative, gospels (which are the accounts of the life of Jesus Christ), apocalyptic (end times), and poetry. This holy compilation has been written over thousands of years by several authors, ranging from fishermen to doctors to priests.

So, when deciding what to read, here are four points to consider:

1. Are you a beginner? Go to the book of John. (Not his letters, 1-3 John, but his account of Jesus. John was Jesus’ best friend.) If you’re Jewish, read Matthew instead, it will resonate more with you. If you’re a left-brain kind of person, read Luke. He was more technical and thorough, being a doctor and all.

2. What do you like to read? For example, those who enjoy poetry often gravitate toward the Psalms for a whole range of authentic human experience and emotion. Want some erotic poetry that’s godly and liberating? Read Song of Songs (sometimes called, Song of Solomon).

Letters? Want to get the inside scoop on the earliest Christians, and see how they worked it all out? Read Galatians, Philippians, Colossians (my favorite), or 1 or 2 Peter.

Church history? My personal favorite – Acts. Fabulous book! It contains the radical change in Paul (who wrote most of the New Testament), the start of the Church and very cool happenings about God’s powerful Spirit.

3. Ask God. I often will sit with God and ask Him, “Is there something you’d like me to read right now? Over the next few weeks, months?” I can’t tell you how fabulous it’s been for me to have God simply direct me (in some normal or mysterious way) to a certain book.

4. Join a group. That will take care of having to decide. The group will have a particular book of the Bible they’ll study together and you can use the same material in your personal reading and time alone with God.

I hope this helps and please don’t hesitate to shoot me your questions. I’m here to serve you!

Much love,
~ Nancy


Start somewhere. Even if you’re not loving it, or have a thousand questions, finish one (preferably shorter) book of the Bible. Just one, whether it takes you a day, a month, or a year. Just start somewhere.