The Bible: When and Where to Read the Bible?

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So many people want to either begin reading the Bible in the new year, or take their Scripture reading to a new level. If that’s you, good for you! And I want to help.

Here’s what we’ve covered so far this month in the devotionals, but remember, I’m posting helpful things daily on Facebook and Instagram. Jump in there with me, too.

Today, let’s talk about where and when to read the Bible.

The truth is, you can read the Bible anywhere at any time.

Think of reading the Bible as eating.

Just like eating, you can nibble all day, skip meals, or grab a KIND bar. Do one big lunch and punt dinner. Whatever. But, here’s what’s healthiest: Regular meals. Times set apart to sit down and slow down. To chew, taste, enjoy and swallow.

If you go all day without any food, at some point, you’re going to feel like it’s time to get some nourishment into that body. In fact, here’s what Jesus said:

“Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” - Matthew 4:4

Another name for the Bible is the Word of God, because all Scripture originated with God and then flowed by God through human agents.

You may struggle with reading the Bible. One big reason is you don’t yet see or believe it’s as critical to your overall health and well-being as eating. But it is. It’s equally important.

So, let’s go after times and places to read the Scriptures:

1. Set aside time. Choose early in the day, at evening, or midday. It doesn’t matter, but be honest. What’s the best, most likely time for you to get those spiritual carbs into you? I’m a morning person. I like to get my heart and mind aligned with God’s before I get going. If you’re like me, get up. Get that nourishment into you. It’s the most important meal of the day! Now, my girlfriend and sister hate the mornings, so evenings are better for them.

2. How much time? It really depends on where you are in your life with God. You may be in a place where 5 minutes of regular time is all you can do. Fine. Make it the same 5 minutes every day. You may be in a place where 30 or 60 minutes is what you need. Great. Own where you are and do it daily.

3. Pick a place. I sit in one red chair by my fireplace in my front room. Pick a room. Pick a chair. Pick a place. It doesn’t matter, but get rid of that phone and get alone with your Bible and God to get that healthy smoothie or main meal into you.

4. Make a habit of meeting. Keep your appointments. Same time, same place. Begin to form a habit. If you like variety like me, I get that from the interaction with God (tons of variety!) and once I’ve had my regular meal (a more extended time in the morning), I can also grab light snacks all day, night, middle of the night, as I’m moved.

But, you say, “What if I miss a day?” We’re trying to form a life-giving, life-changing habit. If you miss, don’t beat yourself up. Start again tomorrow with gratitude and joy that God moved you back on track.

Here’s the point: You know how you see someone at an event and say after a quick, impromptu chat, “We should get together some time.” And the next time you happen to see them, she says, “We should get together some time.” And on and on it goes. You both want to, but at some point, you have to take out your phones and schedule a time to actually meet. So do it now. Get out your phones and make a plan!

~ Nancy


Ask God to call you to Himself through the Scriptures. Ask Him to give you a desire to read what He has to say.