The Lord Fights for You!


“The LORD is my strength and my defense, He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. The LORD is a warrior, the LORD is His name” (Exodus 15:2, 3).

I love that! This is the song of Moses and Miriam: “God, You are my strength. And You are the one who makes me sing and soar! You save! You, my father’s God.” 

And here’s something this strong woman loves, loves, loves: You, LORD! Are my warrior.

God fights for you. 

Did you get that? He fights for YOU, dear friend. 

When you were a kid, were you ever picked on? Think about how they tormented you, laughed at and mocked you. Repeatedly. Maybe on your regular route home from school the same kid showed up in the same place. You’d race to get out of class or prolong your stay, watching the time and strategizing avoidance, but eventually you had to get going. As you approached that area, right around the block, you got that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Eyes darting. Would the abuse happen again today? 

Think about how good it finally felt when someone put an end to it all. Someone heard. Someone—a friend, a sibling, a parent, teacher, or counselor—heard that you were being bullied and tormented and said, “Enough!”

In our home, on two of our walls, we have Masai tribe spears (African warrior tribe) to remind us of a very, very difficult time in our family. A time I watched my husband FIGHT for our sons. Then I watched my otherwise tame husband enlist those same sons to join him in the fight. It was a good, good fight for righteousness and justice.

There are times God the Father tells you to stand still and watch Him go at it. He’s been known to tell us to sit this one out and watch Him be outrageously glorious in battle.

But more often than not, God, the warrior, tells us to gird ourselves with armor, He goes out in front, and enlists us to join Him. 

Our fierce Father goes to war against:

  • Depression, anxiety

  • Injustice

  • Unfaithfulness

  • Poverty

  • Oppression

  • Addiction

  • Abuse

  • Pride

Where is God calling you to join in the fight? Or perhaps He's asking you to lay down your armor and let Him take the next battle. Consider the battles in your life and consider the God at your side.

God fights for and with us against an enemy who wants to suck the life right out of us. God’s a fierce Father who fights for us to live fully alive.

Fight for us, God! Fight for us, now!

I'm real because God is so real,