[GUEST POST] An Everlasting Love


Today’s devotion is written by Leslie Eichhorn, a team member of Nancy Hicks Live. Leslie is married to her college sweetheart and is a mom to three little ones who always keep life interesting! In her spare time, you can find her with her nose in a book or her eye behind a camera.

“Well, looks like I’m working from home for a while,” said my husband of 14 years to me in the middle of March. COVID-19 had reached our county, which meant local schools and non-essential businesses were closed for the foreseeable future.

I was genuinely excited for him to be home. Another adult to talk to during the day! An extra set of hands around the house! We’ll have so much family time!

Almost 70 days into isolation, reality has settled on our house. My rose-colored glasses are off, shattered, lying in a corner with a broken crayon and a sandwich crust. But, I’m still grateful for this husband of mine. Now, don’t get me wrong–he’s not perfect. This guy taps with his fingers on everything. A LOT. He grew a Coronavirus beard, which he strokes constantly like it might suddenly run away like the wild animal it resembles. He makes a weird mouth noise when it tickles his upper lip. I warn him I’m going to shave it off while he’s sleeping. 

But these are MY pet peeves, MY issues. They are small potatoes. My husband is an extraordinary father, and in these unusual, difficult times, I’m grateful I get to watch him in action.

God blessed us with a six-year-old daughter and four-year-old boy/girl twins. Frankly, our life is a little nuts. Kids at this age are needy during normal life, much less during a pandemic. And yet, my husband has smoothly, humbly, quietly transitioned into Super Dad mode.

He has actively and consistently pursued one-on-one time with each of our children. Our little guy loves to help and is genuinely helpful for someone who is only 3 ½ feet tall. I often see him and his dad doing yard work together, my husband gently teaching our little dude the most efficient way to do each task (because, let’s face it, engineers don’t have an “OFF” switch).

Our oldest daughter wants to learn ALL the sports, and despite the genetics of her parents, she’s good at most sports she tries. Cue the baseball tees, batting gloves, soccer balls, and frisbees. Our youngest daughter is content to cuddle and talk. Luckily, her dad is a great listener.

As I reflect on this beautiful, unexpected gift of time my husband has with our children, my heart is grateful that my guy pursues the hearts of our children in the same way our Father in heaven pursues OUR hearts.

“…I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Did you catch that? God draws us to Himself through His love and kindness. He pursues US. What a model of love for us! Our children are blessed when we take time to study them, pursue them, draw them into relationship with us using love and kindness. I still have a lot to learn from this husband of mine, even after all these years together.

Hmm…and maybe I should reconsider shaving the beard?

CALLING: Think about the men who have influenced your life–a husband, father, uncle, grandfather, or a family friend. How has that man shown you a godly characteristic that you appreciate? Once you think of one, make sure you tell him! And thank God for having that person in your life. 

Much love, 