Angel Voices: Do Not Be Afraid

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At any moment, there they are – angels.  You can’t necessarily see them (although you never know), but at God’s command, they do His bidding: removing stones, closing mouths, gathering in armies and fighting for us. They’re sent to minister to those who are spiritually alive. 

And they speak. They delivered messages from God to those characters we know and love from the Christmas narrative. And we can take their messages of strength for us today. Here’s the first of several angel visits in the beginning of the Gospels:

But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard” (Luke 1:13).

Angels were always using the preamble: “do not be afraid.” And no wonder — they were scary! They aren’t sweet little chubby cherubs like the ones hanging from your Christmas tree. They’re not sweet. They’re powerful. They’re focused. They’re on a mission from God.

And so, “Do not be afraid” is commonplace from the mouth of these heavenly beings. 

The angel continued: “your prayer has been heard.”

Today, you can be sure, God’s angelic messengers are all around, joining with God to assure you in whatever circumstance you currently face: do not be afraid. Your prayer, dear one, has been heard. Latch onto these words.

Peace to you this Christmastime,
