Angel Voices: The Lord is With You

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The angel went to her (Mary) and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28).

Mary was highly favored. She was chosen. Chosen to carry the God from all eternity in fetal form in her teenage virgin body. Favored in the privilege of carrying the Promise, and with every passing day, watching and feeling that Promise expand within her. The Lord was very much with her. 

Mary, highly favored, was chosen to endure scorn, misunderstanding and fleeing foes. Chosen to raise a beloved son, and eventually, to watch Him die.

Those two phrases from the voice of the angel were overflowing with meaning beyond human comprehension. And yes, it was a specific promise to a particular favored one. But, the angel voice spoken then echoes today through God’s written word, His Holy Spirit and the announcements of God’s prophets. Together they say:

We greet you in the name and power of the Most High God. 

That greeting alone means you are highly favored. God has come to you.

And this Christmas 2020, after you’ve endured isolation, lost human interaction and been denied the presence of friends and family and traditions, you have grown in favor in a more powerful, strengthening, enduring way. You’ve grown in the most precious and lasting and favored experience of all: God with you. 

Sit with that this Christmas. I’m favored simply because God is with me.

Peace to you this Christmastime,
