This Day

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How do you make it through? How do you keep going? What do you do to keep moving ahead without losing it?

The same way you do anything big and long and hard: bit by bit. Piece by piece. Step by step. Day by day.

Maybe you recall a phrase from The Lord’s Prayer: Give us this day our daily bread. 

Bread: the basic necessity or sustenance of life. Notice, it’s daily bread. Not a loaf, nor a few loaves on reserve in the freezer. But only bread for this one day.

Enough bread to fill and nourish and heal and sustain you to continue on in this one day.

My prayer as we’ve gone along our family’s long, winding road is simply, “God, today – today - I need you. Today, I submit to your love and authority in my life. Today - I’m not talking about tomorrow, or tomorrow, or next week or month – but today, this day, only this one day, Lord –please help me. Please hold me and feed me and remind me you are here.

“You, who call yourself the Bread of Life.”

 I’m real because God is so real. ~ Nancy