March On!


As we move into March, I want to look you in the eye and tell you: you’re doing great. You’re moving through this season of unsettledness and pain and loss, and you’re doing great.

Somewhere tucked in the recesses of your mind, you remember some instruction for such a journey. Something about turning to the left or the right and hearing a voice behind you, telling you the way to go.

 But you look to the right and the left and you’re nowhere you thought you were supposed to be going. You’ve felt alone. On your own.

 But here we are. And winter is almost passed. And you’re still moving ahead.

 Unless you’re new to me, you’ve heard of our family’s dirt roads, rugged hills and dark valleys as we’ve marched (or crawled?) the unmarked path of colon cancer. Our son, David - a full-time grad student, and as of March 1st co-founder of CRC Change: young patients collaborating for life: Here - has stage 4 colon cancer. March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, so forgive me if I indulge.

 It’s just, I’ve never gone through such horror before. Ever. And I’m not unacquainted with suffering. And like you, sometimes it feels God’s asked too much of us. “You’ve pushed it too far, Lord!”

 But God, this Commander, stares us in the eye and says, “This way. This way, my wounded one. Keep moving. Keep going. March on!”

 Want to feel courageous and inspired? Take 2 minutes to watch how this was captured in the movie 1917. It’s you. It’s me. It’s my beloved, David.

 Fabulous Scene 1917

 Then get up and march on!

 I’m real because God is so real. ~ Nancy