Knowing Truth

How are those masks working for you? And I’m not talking about your COVID masks.

No matter where you are regarding policy, no one likes masks! And yet, we’re all masking in some areas of our lives.

Think about it:

  • When was the last time someone said something about you, and you knew it was true, but you just couldn’t face it? So you denied, deflected, and defended. You blamed them for daring to suggest such a thing! You did everything but admit, or at least acknowledge their experience of you was actually true. You just couldn’t face it.

  • What about facing what’s true about someone you love? A parent or sibling you’re deeply committed and loyal to, but when asked by your spouse or friend to recognize an unhealthy pattern or the effect they have on you, you get punchy. “No one talks about my mother that way.”

  • And how are you at facing what you sometimes feel and think about God? I remember my husband, Cam, having a moment years ago, where he realized he checked his brain at the door for years in church so he’d never upset the apple cart. He kept those deep questions and thoughts tucked away at all costs. Do you know someone like that? 

Where can you go to face the truth about who you really are? 

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31, 32.

The context for this passage is Jesus in a series of discussions around His identity. The crowd around Him asked, “Who are you, Jesus?” There’s conflict and unbelief around this critical point. Jesus says, “If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples.” A disciple is nothing if they do not follow the teachings and tap into the heart of their leader.

Now catch this:

Not only does Jesus say, “Holding to my teachings will prove you’re my followers (disciples),” but He adds: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  

Everything Christ teaches is true and all truth will ultimately free you. Now, if you know me at all, you will have heard me say this over and over again: Truth is not only a something. Truth is a Someone.

So, when you face what is true - when you face that your husband loved another woman. When you face that you are disappointed with God. When you face that, despite the wonderful person your parent is, they did not come through for you in the way you so desperately needed - when you face what is true, you are turning toward God who is Truth. If you turn away from what is true (will not face reality), you are turning from God who is Truth. 

So you face what is true. You face God. And, when you know Jesus, you gain the courage to face what is true about yourself and others. The more you know God (by ditching the mask and facing reality), the more you will know yourself. The more you know yourself, the more you will come face to face with God, who is Truth. 

By holding to Christ’s teachings you will be free. “Do what I do. Keep doing what I’m doing. Follow me,” Jesus says. 

But, my friend, Truth disrupts the dance. Truth disrupts the status quo because Truth is revealing, and what it reveals doesn’t always feel good. But, if it is actually true, and we work it through, it is good. For you and all concerned.

Face reality. Don’t shy away or deny. Face what is true. Ditch the mask of appearing loving, or appearing humble, or appearing spiritual, and face where you are and let God (who already knows what’s behind that ruddy thing anyway) meet you in that place of freedom with loving, accepting, open arms.

I’m real because God is so real.  ~ Nancy

Speaking of unmasking and facing what is true, my AWAKEN study aims to do just that. If you really want to live this Christian life, try AWAKEN. It starts February 17th.

I look forward to leading you over the next 10 weeks.

Get AWAKEN course

And remember: all money from AWAKEN is used to build a ministry that equips and empowers the global woman.




He Began With the End in Mind