Follow Me
This month’s “Can I Be Candid?” was written by Leslie Eichhorn, a writer for Nancy Hicks Live.
“...You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; He is not here…but go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee...” Mark 16:6-7
How did you celebrate the day after Easter? Most likely it was a typical Monday for you. I know it was for me - I cleaned up Easter grass, found leftover plastic eggs in our yard and looked up recipes for leftover ham.
But I wonder if it should be anything but a typical day. None of the Gospels that tell us about Jesus’ life on Earth end abruptly with Jesus’ resurrection. Why?
Because the story wasn’t over.
When Jesus started His ministry three years earlier, He gathered followers, who we now call “disciples.” The first one, who became the leader, was Simon. Simon was completely ordinary - one of hundreds of fishermen who threw their nets into the Sea of Galilee every day.
But Jesus had a plan for Simon. He called to him: “Follow me.” And Simon immediately dropped everything and followed Him. Jesus was preparing Simon for the biggest role of His life - he was the foundation Jesus would build His church on. Jesus even changed Simon’s name to reflect His new identity - Simon became Peter, meaning “the rock.”
Jesus’ disciples watched Him love the rejected, rebuke the religious, heal the sick, provide for the poor and teach the masses. And they watched Him suffer and die on a cross.
When Jesus rose from the grave, the story wasn’t over. Jesus appeared to His disciples and charged them to finish the work He had begun.
Jesus appeared to Thomas to convince him He wasn’t a ghost. He ate a meal with the disciples so they would believe He was fully alive, fully God and fully human. And He reconciled with Peter, who rejected Him. Three times.
Jesus had serious questions for Peter - questions that broke Peter’s heart.
“Simon, son of John, so you love me more than these?”
“Simon, son of John, do you love me?”
“Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Three times.
And after each question, a command: “Feed my lambs.”
“Take care of my sheep.”
“Feed my sheep.”
Then finally, “Follow me.”
Jesus transformed Peter from an ordinary, gruff fisherman into a pastor, a shepherd to lead His sheep. Peter must have felt scared to follow after his track record. He must have had a ton of questions. Like me, and maybe you, too.
Jesus is still writing the story, and He will finish His work in you. And He says to us today, “Follow me.”
When you question or doubt your faith - “Follow me.”
When God seems silent or absent - “Follow me.”
When you think you’ve made too many mistakes - “Follow me.”
When your suffering seems too much to bear - “Follow me.”
Today - just take it each day - and follow Him.
Leslie Eichhorn is a writer at NancyHicksLive. When she’s not writing, you can find her with her nose in a book or spending time outside with her family. Leslie has been married for 17 years and is mom to three kids and one loveable mutt. She can be reached at