Real Rest

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When God said, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you [and your whole household] will not do any work,” He wasn’t being a kill-joy. He was protecting you. 

 The Exodus 20:8-11 passage then explains the rationale: even God rested - GOD – after creating the universe – the UNIVERSE. So, yes, even I, a mere mortal, can rest

 I know you’re important. I know you’ve got a thousand things to do. I know people are depending on you. Still, you need to rest. 

 Sometimes I’m amazed at how duped we can be. You’re buzzing around - ok, hold on, let me make it personal: I’m buzzing around - quickly moving from my office to the kitchen (yes, I work from home), to the bathroom, then back to the office. I feel tired, but what do I do? Back to the kitchen for more java! Or, in my saner moments, I pay attention to the fact that I’m running to my ringing phone with my hands still wet from washing them after going to the bathroom, while still doing up my pants! I mean really? How important is that call? How important do I think I am?

 Ok, let’s help each other here. Let’s build in moments of rest:

  • Every day, take time to pray. Shhh…for now, just pray quietly. Even do what I’ve done this last year at times, sit still and say to God, “I really don’t want to talk, but I’m here, and I’m listening.”

  • One day a week, ditch all work. Walk past the laundry. Don’t cook big meals if it feels like work. Tomato sandwiches, tuna melts, or take-out is fine.

  • Take a nap. One of my favorite things to do on Sundays.

  • Make a spiritual practice (I do this often on the Sabbath, which for me is Sunday), of driving slower, talking slower, walking and moving slower.

Even as I write these points, I’m taking a deep breath. I sigh in relief. It feels good.

I’m real because God is so real.
~ Nancy