Bears Aren't the Only Ones Who Need Hibernation

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When COVID-19 hit, in many cases, space was automatically built-in. Not for our frontline workers, some businesses and countless mothers, but mostly unanticipated margin hit our schedules. That’s still the case. No social activities or just simplified versions of them, no more travel, etc.  And we balked: this is outrageous! This is nuts!

Even when the space was given or thrust upon us, we squirmed and fought it. We so often just don’t know what to do with space and rest.

But birds and animals do. They do it naturally and without argument. And God cares for them and tells people, I look after these creatures, trust me, I’ll do the same for you. Look at Jesus in Matthew 6:26:

He points out: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

I need a lesson from bears, birds and bees: sometimes it’s time for hibernation.

Hibernation is a time for creatures to pull away and have a season of deeper rest, to pull back, to conserve energy. It’s not retreating out of running away or depression. It’s understanding that push, push, push isn’t sustainable. Especially when we’re pushing against a natural and inevitable tide.

You may need a bit of hibernation. What could that look like in your life?

Here are some ideas:

  • Slow down your heart rate by bundling up for winter walks that aren’t brisk, but reflective.

  • Warm yourself by a fire, or a quiet place. Linger there.

  • Get to bed earlier. It’s dark anyway. 

  • Spend prolonged time with God on your days off and through this season of hibernation. And on that, see my new offering. It may sound ironic, but hibernation does not fly in the face of the purpose for my new course – AWAKEN – that is available now. We’ll take the time to do the deep, restorative work together so you’ll not be hibernating alone and without meaning. God and I will lead you through.

Deeper rest. Slowing down your heart rate. Warming yourself – your heart, your body, your soul. Pulling back to conserve and rejuvenate energy. 

You can do this. You can.

I’m real because God is so real.
~ Nancy