Living in an Interior World

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I never thought about my own child having cancer. On this World-Cancer Awareness Day, I’m 

pausing to remember every single person I know who’s personally walked the long, hard road 

of going after this deadly disease that’s infiltrated their body. Think about the ones you know. 

The ones you’ve had to say good-bye to. Seriously, pause…and remember their names. 


Come the new year, we can be so focused on caring for our bodies, and cleaning out our homes, we sometimes forget about our interior world.

“It’s a good time to clean out your soul.” I said this in my last Nancy’s Notes that came out in January. (link for jan). Through the month of February, I want to help you actually do it

When I say “I can barely stand this person,” who comes to mind for you?  Don’t think too hard. Go with your gut. Maybe it’s a family member, someone at work, a neighbor or someone on social media. 

Got a person in mind?  

How do you feel about this person? Where do those feelings manifest themselves in your body? (Pressure in your head? Chest tightening?) What phrases or thoughts come to mind when you think of them? (Not the cleaned-up version. The deep, dark version.)

Now you have a choice to make. You can deal with this deadly situation, or be killed by it. Trust me, like a cancer, it will take you down, bit by bit. Oh, you have more than one person? Now the situation gets compounded. Oh, it goes back a while? This is bigger than you know. 

Face it. Face what is true. Face what is real about how this person hurt you and the impact it’s 

had on your life.  Sit with the truth that this person If has done something to you.

“God, thank you for the acknowledgment of this person’s impact on me. You see the situation. You see both hearts. You know full well what needs to happen next. Please help me. I pray. Help us both, in Jesus’ name.”

That was just a tiny piece of the first step in the forgiveness process. The whole process will be taught in my new AWAKEN study that comes out next Thursday, February 11thYou can learn more about it here.

My team and I wanted to make sure we walked with you through this long, dark, cold winter. We knew we’d all need to do some helpful work on our interior world together. 

I’m real because God is so real.
