Securely Attached...To What?

February 2021 devo 2 landscape.jpg

If I say, “securely attached,” what comes to mind? A picture on a wall? A boat to a dock? A couple?

Secure attachment is a theory psychologists use to determine the stability of a person that mostly stems from their early experiences as a child. Securely attached people are a wonder! Securely attached people come in and go out, rise and fall and rise again. They don’t need to be the center of attention, but they’ll take it and own it when required. They don’t fade away and become obsolete, they move and change and grow and learn. 

What or who are you attached to? Like, seriously attached to, not just some experience or a ring or a cosmetic line. Something, if it were not there, would cause you to collapse to the point where you can’t imagine ever getting up again?

Is it a person? A pet? A 401-k?

Twelfth-century mystic, Julian of Norwich said, “Until I am substantially united to God, I can never have perfect rest or true happiness, until that is, I am so attached to him that there can be no created thing between my God and me.”

Please. Please, do this work on your interior world. Your soul. It will move you from desperation and fear to confidence and hope. I know this. I’m living it. And you can, too. AWAKEN course starts tonight.

I’m real because God is so real.
