
February 2021 devo 3 landscape.jpg

When my sons, David and Aaron, were little, I’d pray over them while they slept, “God, anything harmful that was spoken into this son today while they were in the playground, in school, with a friend or even from me that isn’t true or good, please remove it. Put your finger on anything that was destructive. A lie, discouragement, anything at all that could hold this son back, and don’t let it take root. If it’s already making its way down, uproot it, in Jesus’ name.”

I’d lay my hands on that sleeping boy and pray for just a few minutes. 

I’m praying that for you today, dear friend.

Anything at all that has gotten on or into you over the last year. Lies. Distortions. Discouragement. You name it. Anything at all that’s come out in the media, your family, your church, and is trying to make its way into your soul, I pray even now: “Get it off her. Get it off him. Expose the lies. Uproot these harmful things. In Jesus’ name.”

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

I’m real because God is so real.
