In Lieu of the New Year's Resolution


This week’s devotional is written by Leslie Eichhorn, a team member of Nancy Hicks Live.

Ah, the New Year’s resolution, a time-honored tradition that sets us up for failure every January 1st. 

In years past, I’ve resolved not to bite my nails (still do), to give up chocolate (HA!), and to spend less money on take-out (thanks a lot, COVID). I even tried reading the whole bible in a year only to give up in March. 

According to U.S. News, 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the second week of February, so that’s right about…NOW

I had a clear track record of resolution failure littered behind me, and in 2020, I didn’t want to fail again. A friend recommended I ask God what I should focus on.

I spent time in prayer, and lo and behold, God gave me a word – LISTEN. I realized He probably gave me this word because, frankly, I sucked at it, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready or willing to spend an ENTIRE YEAR focused on this one thing. 

“You couldn’t give me TALKING, Lord? I’m SO good at that one!” Nope – LISTEN.


2020 brought so many opportunities to LISTEN. The Lord showed me the gift of giving my children my full attention and engaging their hearts. He encouraged me to ask good questions. Listening greatly improved my communication with my husband. It helped me hear God above the cacophony of life. I could observe and learn from the people around me.

God showed me how valued people feel when you engage with them, to help them feel understood and seen for who they truly are. It was a humbling season.

If you’re looking for direction in 2021, give it a shot. Ask God for a word. Trust me, you’ll know it when He shows it to you.

So, what’s my word for 2021? SERVE. God has already shown me Scripture to meditate on and pray over, books to read, and opportunities to practice serving (and probably failing and learning from it).

Here we go, 2021. And Lord, if you’re listening, I’m okay with TALKING for next year, in case you’re taking suggestions.