Bears Aren't the Only Ones Who Need Hibernation
Hibernation is a time for creatures to pull away and have a season of deeper rest, to pull back, to conserve energy. It’s not retreating out of running away or depression. It’s understanding that push, push, push isn’t sustainable. Especially when we’re pushing against a natural and inevitable tide.
Anxious Thoughts
This mental rest is not weakness. It acknowledges limits. It causes us to stop and reflect, to see things we may not otherwise see. We can listen to God, hear his whisper over the din of our everyday lives.
Angel Voices: The Lord is With You
Sit with that this Christmas. I’m favored simply because God is with me.
Angel Voices: Do Not Be Afraid
Angels were always using the preamble: “do not be afraid.” And no wonder — they were scary! They aren’t sweet little chubby cherubs like the ones hanging from your Christmas tree. They’re not sweet. They’re powerful. They’re focused. They’re on a mission from God.
Happy Giving Tuesday!
Thanksgiving passes the baton to this special season of giving, living out the verse above like this: “God, thank you for all you’ve given! Out of gratitude, now I give.” Giving Tuesday kicks it off